Aged-Care Physiotherapy

In-home physiotherapy enables many of our mature aged clients to remain strong and live independently. 

Physiotherapy is a critical aspect of healthcare for mature adults and elderly individuals, helping them to maintain their physical mobility, independence, and quality of life. As we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes that can affect our ability to move and perform daily activities.

Mature adults and elderly individuals may experience a range of physical conditions and issues, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, falls, joint pain, and mobility difficulties. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in addressing these issues and improving the physical function of mature adults and elderly individuals.

Physiotherapy for mature adults and elderly individuals focuses on improving mobility, reducing pain, and promoting independence. This is achieved through a range of treatments and techniques, including exercise therapy, manual therapy, and the use of assistive devices. Physiotherapy also focuses on preventing falls and promoting safety, as well as improving balance and coordination.

At our clinic, our physiotherapists are trained in the specific needs of mature adults and elderly individuals and are dedicated to providing personalized, evidence-based treatment plans. Our goal is to help our clients live a fulfilling and active life, free from pain and physical limitations.


Home Visit Physiotherapy (45 minutes)$100

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